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Seeing the sun rise always helps me to put my life in perspective. Rising with the sun and getting back into a natural circadian rhythm refreshes the dreariness that settles down during the malaise of the modern grind.

The road that leads to somewhere misses everywhere else.

” Two roads diverged…and I…took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference…” -Robert Frost

Being able to see things from another’s perspective is such a wonderful learning experience. All it takes is a little patience and willingness to seize opportunity and never deflect responsibility. You are what you believe in.

Even when it may look comfortable on the periphery, things keep moving. Best to never lose focus for too long at any given time.  Consciousness is hard, but playing catch up is harder.

Being at the edge of the Earth has given me so much space and opportunity to increase my mental flexibility. So far away from everything I know so well and yet closer to new opportunities…

It’s only when you feel that there is little left to lose and everything to gain when you learn that the resolve to take greater chances always existed within  you.

It is never to late to take a leap of faith.

This is not life through the looking glass…just a way to celebrate after a hard days work.

Getting back out into it all for sunset…not a bad way to find as much closure as you can discover there are just more questions to ask. That’s why we do it all over again, day after day.